AASFAA-PacFAA 2021 Virtual Conference

Location: Virtual
Date: March 24, 2021: 7:00AM HST - 1:00PM HST
March 25, 2021: 7:00AM HST - 1:00PM HST
Join us for up-to-date federal regulatory information, learn about technology solutions from our corporate partners and meet new and old colleagues from the Arizona Association of Student Financial Aid Administrators (AASFAA) and the Pacific Financial Aid Association (PacFaA). All in an interactive platform.
Registration Period is March 02, 2021 - March 22, 2021
2020-21 PacFAA Members, $85
Non-Members, $120
*Please submit your payment no later than March 22, 2021 to complete your registration.
NOTE: Current PacFAA members must be logged in to pacfaa.org to receive the member rate.
Included with Registration Conference Fee:
2021-22 PacFAA Membership, May 1, 2021 - April 30, 2022
Federal Update
Breakout Sessions
Breakout Sessions:
AZ FAFSA Challenge, Identifying Title IV Fraud, Help Your Students Save Money with Credible's Private Student Loan Comparison & Refinancing Tools, Increase Enrollment and Decrease Cost with Verification Services, Ability to Benefit: A Powerful Student Recruitment & Retention Tool in Our COVID-19 Era, Artificial Intelligence and Financial Aid, Don't Take the Bait - Simple Tips and Tricks to Protect Your Staff from Common Hacks & Scams, The false positive: Your CDR today and Repayment Rates, Diversity and Inclusion in the Workplace, Financial Aid for Students in Foster Care, KHEAA services - Smart options, great benefits, Taking your Financial Aid office paperless, Getting Involved in Organizational Leadership, FSA Verification Updates, Maximizing Your Financial Wellness Initiatives with GradReady®
Tentative Conference Agenda is located in the Forms & Documents page.